Role Descriptions
Peer Support Practitioners (PSP) / Family Liaison Practitioner (FLP)
These are team members that use their lived experience to support others navigating similar journeys. They might be neurodivergent or expert family carers. They can offer unique insights and also share practical tried and tested strategies to support you and your family on your journey.
Occupational Therapist (OT)
An Occupational Therapist can specialise in several areas- this will be why you see different Occupational Therapists for different needs. Our skilled Occupational Therapists are able to offer you advice and signposting around sensory diets, independence skills, and emotional regulation strategies.
Neurodevelopmental Nurse Specialist (NNS)
A Neurodevelopmental Nurse Specialist views the individual as a whole. They are able to advise you on statutory frameworks such as the Children and Families Act, Care Act and Mental Health Act. They will offer advice around caring for someone who is neurodivergent and how to system navigate.
Speech and Language Therapist (SaLT)
Speech and Language Therapists can advise individuals with communication differences or difficulties and developing language skills. They can also help with eating and swallowing needs, for example needs around restrictive diets related to managing the textures of foods in the mouth.